Littering Facts behave not come to a report on waste for some time. But I got an email from a computer error items within San Jose , California.
Littering Facts
Now I have only to differentiate Who Litters
75 % of Americans recognize littering bear five years.
Common criminals Garbage - Men 18-34
Shopping Smoking *
Plebe who eat fast food Intellectual commits at least two times a week
Players from more than 50 miles / solar day
The people leaving the lowest entertainment 1 to week
When garbage is ?
Littering Facts
Garbage overflow pool or garbage collection
Bins used by business organization
The construction and demolition
Loading trucks discovered - what we know , is on the road ( 40 % )
The people in the cars .
Littering Facts
Why waste people littering bad facts
Not applicable
Causes of litter
Not a good sense of pride
The lack of transfer of shares
Littering Facts
Bonny American Language
Littering Facts
Trash is difficult to win . Mansions for sale in waste areas usually do not get the best value * Monetary and owners misplace money. Burns began for littering or undervalued causal one thousand miles * of dollars in damage each year.
Littering Facts
Litter ambush equal. Most people are not aware of the fines trash. Most communities also have fines for businesses or pedestrians took trash. Many people are unaware that the person opening a pack of gum and the deterioration of the containers on the sidewalk is a tortuous act and dress, if taken , could face charges. Littering is illegal.
Littering Facts
Communities garbage sterilizing bad facts . Clean littering bad facts Communities have a better chance of attracting new businesses and medical resident * and tourists. In the long run , less revenue for the city, the county and the coffers of the earth , which means more taxes .
Littering Facts
Litter wrong address . Each year there are numerous accidents caused by debris . The people of these accidents are injured and sometimes aligned to death in their attempts to prevent trash from the roads. Young Clips playgrounds trash drop , cut and need medical attention.
Littering Facts
Litter also harms plants and degrades natural areas. When discharging the waste , which can kill or prevent the growth of plants. Few people think about the damage to the earthy parts of the litter.
Littering Facts
Litter dead or injured animals. Small animals in littering bad facts abundance crawl into bottles or jars and stuck and slowly starve . Animals caught in six pack rings , plastic , plastic bags , fishing line and a multitude of disposable . The birds are trapped , unable to fly out of danger. Sometimes animals caught in six packs rings are strangled as they grow too big for the opening. The animals cut , infected and die . Each year, millions of birds, fish and animals die from trash .
Littering Facts
Litter is a problem that can be achieved. Education is an important tool. Masses who are aware of the dangers of junk often difficult to always put their trash in the right place . He also extended the give and take with others, they see the trash and littering teach in the right direction . Littering bad facts Community cleanups to encourage people to take pride in their community and to keep it clean . Quick Junk Removal prevents increasingly difficult to manage in a landfill. People can make a difference. Garbage can be conquered .
Littering Facts
Litter carries the seeds : The scavengers such as rats are attracted a lot of garbage . Rats carry many types of diseases that make people sick .littering bad facts
Litter is a problem with farmers and ranchers ,littering bad facts cattle and other animals can die from ingesting substances such as metals and glass top . Machinery repairs trapped by debris , tires damaged by broken bottles. Means downtime and loss of crops.
Littering Facts
Litter affects water quality hazardous waste dumping seeps into the surrounding soil and cause pollution of groundwater .
Littering Facts
Litter is expensive: the amount of money spent picking up trash could be used in the repair of roads , hiring more police and firefighters /
Economic value of waste containers used
Littering Facts
In 2005 , the value of scrap shortages 135 littering bad facts billion beverage bottles and cans of waste exceeded $ 2.1 billion . This means that these containers were recycled rather than destroyed, would be valued more than $ 2.1 billion on the market.
Littering Facts
The most valuable element not drink containers - recycling was released 55 billion used aluminum cans (cans ) , weighing about 810 000 tones . The value of scrap cans, on average , about 75 cents per pound in 2005 , and has already passed 1/lb dollars in 2006 . If we recycled the 55 billion cans , which could generate up to $ 1.2 billion in revenue. In comparison, the Allotted Quebec group recently spent $ 1.23 billion to increase the annual production capacity of the smelter in Seep- Lies De 245000-550000 tons.
Littering Facts