If you live in a place where littering is a problem , you probably want to stop trash end up in the street. Not only because it is visually appealing , but the garbage that could harm the environment because it breaks down and threatens pets who can not eat or swallow the garbage. Collection of community members to determine how they can reduce the amount of waste in your neighborhood .
Garbage and recycling bins littering Facts
Sometimes people leave behind trash because there is no place to put it. Connected to the waste collection service in your municipality , and ask whether it is in garbage bins and recycling can be placed where the garbage problem . They littering Facts can put containers in public places such as schools , parks and sidewalks in the city . Must be of the container lid that seals tightly so that garbage continue to blow around if the container is full .
Create signs
Chances are that your city already has a law against dirt littering Facts . Locate the law or the actual code of the city , creating a sign quoting the law. It should also include a sign of the possibility of paying a fine. For example , the code reads, " 2.13 Status : Anyone seen dirt is subject to a fine of 48 pounds of the city. " After the printed signs, and put it in littering Facts the area where the garbage problem.
Contact law enforcement
While the dirt and probably illegal in your city, and the city 's police may be concerned about other issues even more garbage and do not write many tickets dirty. Contact law enforcement agency and to the representative explained that there is a litter problem in your area. Ask the police to patrol the area, and write notes or warnings littering Facts they see people littering . Chances are that they will only make people behave in a better light .
Installation of cameras
If the problem is garbage is really bad, you might want to install 24-hour surveillance cameras at the site. This will help you determine what waste. If littering Facts the person who frequented the place, you could be fined enforcement against him the next time he was in the garden , or if you have a person's home address , one can quote is sent to him to break the law . Note that you may need to provide signs informing people that they are on camera. Check with your city and state law . In any case , the installation of cameras that are clear with signs corresponding to act as a deterrent littering Facts .
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