Littering Facts on beaches is not only ugly , but poses a serious threat to wildlife and people . Is the result of garbage collection and transportation of waste by swimmers , threw them from boaters and material flowing into the ocean by the companies and factories objects points. Garbage on the beach can blow in the ocean, while the garbage in the water can wash the beach. Littering is illegal and dangerous , and expensive to clean up Littering Facts.
Threats to wildlife
Littering Facts
Plastic, a major source of litter on beaches , can be fatal . Wildlife can become entangled in plastic rings that holds the boxes together , causing them to get hurt or even death. Sometimes eaten in plastic bags and other plastic materials by birds , dolphins , whales and other marine animals because they make mistakes in bags of food. Animals died after eating garbage because it can fit into their systems and that it is impossible for them to digest food . Reports Marine Conservation Society that "it is likely that millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals die each year after eating or engaging in marine debris. "
Littering Facts Water Pollution
Are washed trash that is thrown on the beach with water and can contaminate . In some parts of the ocean, and there are more small piece of plastic that is plankton. Plastic breaks down into smaller parts with the passage of time , these small molecules are in the sand , and even in the bodies of marine life. Other types of waste that pollute the ocean and include raw sewage , heavy metals and chemicals. What if thrown in the ocean boaters or leakage of large companies , this is trash on the serious health risks. Swimming in contaminated water can cause viral infections. Food poisoning is also a potential danger if you eat shellfish that comes from the highly contaminated water Littering Facts .
Littering Facts Loss of income
Are less likely to go to the beach if it is dirty , which means less income for the city and the companies that are surrounded by people . Reduction in the number of tourists and less money means higher taxes on the local population beach. Costing taxpayers money to clean up after people who Littering Facts
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