lundi 7 octobre 2013

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The Causes and Effects of Littering-Littering Facts

Littering Facts
The organization Keep America Beautiful ( KAB ) conducted a study of behavior in a large-scale debris to determine the causes, costs and effects of garbage. Littering Facts is a personal choice that can result from the lack of personal responsibility for the actions and the surrounding ; litterers can also have a sense of entitlement - a sense that other people have to clean up after them .Littering Facts As for the effects of garbage, no obvious littering and recycling facts
environmental consequences , but the cost of this national problem behavior may surprise you.

Littering Facts According to KAB , trash costs $ 11.5 billion a year. His studio is full of other statistical data and trash strewn , but here's something else I can do think plastic waste increased by littering bad facts 165% since 1969.

If we consider the history of plastics and sixties marked the start of sales , it may seem obvious that there would be a drastic increase.littering bad facts However, we can not ignore the consequences of our rapid adoption of this material , and how it has changed our world . Plastic Pollution in the ocean , for example , is devastating marine life and wildlife.Littering Facts

littering bad facts
So how can we avoid waste and protect our environment? According to KAB , " Approximately 85 % of waste is the result of individual behavior. Changing individual behavior is essential to prevent waste . " KAB The study found that :littering and recycling facts

Littering Facts "Most of the garbage the behavior of 81 % occurred with the notable drop this included ( 54 % ) , the film section / adventure ( 20 % ) , and . others intending waste significant ( 7% ) . " also note that the waste generates more trash. Basically , people are more likely to litter in areas where others have produced .Littering Facts Education , laws and their compliance trash can help prevent waste , but in the end , we're all in the same boat.
littering bad facts
Step 1 : Do not discount .
Step 2 :Measure cardinal : advance others to stop littering.
Step 3: Get affected in your community. Offers. Encourage waste containers where none exist. If you see trash, filling it up.

Littering Facts

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