lundi 4 novembre 2013

Ways to stop littering

The smoking ban littering Facts

The smoking ban helps reduce trash in some areas, and people smoke cigarettes there, and leave cigarette butts carelessly on the floor. Cigarette butts take 12 years to decompose completely, which means they accumulate significantly if left in a particular area, poisoning the land and the area surrounding it. Smokers also often create more garbage when it comes to the same pack of cigarettes - an empty cardboard or paper packets, packets of cellophane - even keeping practices outside the region will help reduce trash in general littering Facts .

Ideas to Help Stop Littering

If you live in a place where littering is a problem , you probably want to stop trash end up in the street. Not only because it is visually appealing , but the garbage that could harm the environment because it breaks down and threatens pets who can not eat or swallow the garbage. Collection of community members to determine how they can reduce the amount of waste in your neighborhood .

Garbage and recycling bins littering Facts

Sometimes people leave behind trash because there is no place to put it. Connected to the waste collection service in your municipality , and ask whether it is in garbage bins and recycling can be placed where the garbage problem . They littering Facts can put containers in public places such as schools , parks and sidewalks in the city . Must be of the container lid that seals tightly so that garbage continue to blow around if the container is full .

Create signs

Chances are that your city already has a law against dirt littering Facts . Locate the law or the actual code of the city , creating a sign quoting the law. It should also include a sign of the possibility of paying a fine. For example , the code reads, " 2.13 Status : Anyone seen dirt is subject to a fine of 48 pounds of the city. " After the printed signs, and put it in littering Facts the area where the garbage problem.

Contact law enforcement

While the dirt and probably illegal in your city, and the city 's police may be concerned about other issues even more garbage and do not write many tickets dirty. Contact law enforcement agency and to the representative explained that there is a litter problem in your area. Ask the police to patrol the area, and write notes or warnings littering Facts they see people littering . Chances are that they will only make people behave in a better light .

Installation of cameras

If the problem is garbage is really bad, you might want to install 24-hour surveillance cameras at the site. This will help you determine what waste. If  littering Facts the person who frequented the place, you could be fined enforcement against him the next time he was in the garden , or if you have a person's home address , one can quote is sent to him to break the law . Note that you may need to provide signs informing people that they are on camera. Check with your city and state law . In any case , the installation of cameras that are clear with signs corresponding to act as a deterrent littering Facts .

Kids' Littering Activities

Littering Facts costs dirtying the planet and its inhabitants , many times. Contaminate the water and soil pollution of beaches and waste is a serious problem , while keeping America beautiful clean considered cost the country 7.5 billion pounds per year. Helping children learn about it with the participation of environmental activities that teach them the importance of getting rid of waste properly.

Clean beach and barbecue littering Facts

Encourage children to take care of sea creatures and nature at the beach by cleaning the beach. Children with arm garbage bags and plastic gloves to keep your hands clean and have them collect rubbish along the beach and the surrounding area littering Facts. Sort items that can be recycled , such as bottles , cans and prevent children from catching dangerous things, such as broken glass . End of the event with a barbecue to celebrate a good nature.

Littering poster contest

Littering Facts helping children to educate others about the effects of trash by the convening of the poster contest against dirt . Using markers , crayons, paints littering Facts and other craft supplies , children can create posters about how trash harms the environment . The awards for different types of messages and styles of art , such as littering Facts " Best Poster Painted " and " Best Poster on the pollution of the water" and encourage creativity. Fresh ideas mom suggests collecting small pieces of waste from the point of Day Poster and paste to show a lot can be found in a small area.

Games and puzzles

Littering Facts allow children to solve puzzles and games for them to reflect on the fight against litter . Do not throw up Arizona offers word searches , littering Facts crossword puzzles, mazes, word games and hidden images that teach children about themselves after the capture and maintenance of this planet. Stop earth girl site also includes a variety of games for children to play, with a history on earth. To send a message about the home life games "green" print on scrap or recycled paper , and invite the children to get rid of them properly when you are finished .

garbage competition

Make garbage competition so that children know the number of deaths took the trash carelessly thrown on the floor. Use facts to keep America beautiful place , creating a multiple-choice questionnaire , and ask the children questions about the cost of dirt, who is responsible and what you do for the planet. Allow children to answer the questionnaire and corrected as a group and teach them the facts along the way . The awards for the best scores and remind everyone to dispose of waste properly.

What are the dangers of littering on beaches?

Littering Facts on beaches is not only ugly , but poses a serious threat to wildlife and people . Is the result of garbage collection and transportation of waste by swimmers , threw them from boaters and material flowing into the ocean by the companies and factories objects points. Garbage on the beach can blow in the ocean, while the garbage in the water can wash the beach. Littering is illegal and dangerous , and expensive to clean up Littering Facts.

Threats to wildlife
Littering Facts
Plastic, a major source of litter on beaches , can be fatal . Wildlife can become entangled in plastic rings that holds the boxes together , causing them to get hurt or even death. Sometimes eaten in plastic bags and other plastic materials by birds , dolphins , whales and other marine animals because they make mistakes in bags of food. Animals died after eating garbage because it can fit into their systems and that it is impossible for them to digest food . Reports Marine Conservation Society that "it is likely that millions of seabirds and hundreds of thousands of marine mammals die each year after eating or engaging in marine debris. "

Littering Facts Water Pollution

Are washed trash that is thrown on the beach with water and can contaminate . In some parts of the ocean, and there are more small piece of plastic that is plankton. Plastic breaks down into smaller parts with the passage of time , these small molecules are in the sand , and even in the bodies of marine life. Other types of waste that pollute the ocean and include raw sewage , heavy metals and chemicals. What if thrown in the ocean boaters or leakage of large companies , this is trash on the serious health risks. Swimming in contaminated water can cause viral infections. Food poisoning is also a potential danger if you eat shellfish that comes from the highly contaminated water Littering Facts .

Littering Facts Loss of income

Are less likely to go to the beach if it is dirty , which means less income for the city and the companies that are surrounded by people . Reduction in the number of tourists and less money means higher taxes on the local population beach. Costing taxpayers money to clean up after people who Littering Facts

Littering Facts

Littering Facts is an act of unwanted and illegal are still many people around the world to do, intentionally or not, and make dirty environment . There are many harmful effects of refuse not only to human health , but also our environment as well. Here are some essential facts about trash .

1 . definition

Littering means throwing the door to waste disposal anywhere without the right place for garbage . This kind of irresponsible behavior could be due to intentional or unintentional position in some cases.

2 . The impact of litter littering Facts

Routine disposal may be intentional or not, it is the position of irresponsible and harmful in all respects. Displays the bad effect of throwing waste in the form of many diseases to humans and animals and also pollute our environment as well.

3 . The underlying causes of rubbish

There are several reasons that explain the behavior of waste started. Some common causes such as laziness, lack of education, no feeling for dirty environments and criminal thinking , and lack of funds , lack of time, etc. .

4 . Sources of littering Facts

Common sources of dirt and truck drivers, but revealed download and pedestrians and demolition , and the dispersion of garbage because of the animals , trade shocks, etc.

5. The main reason for trash littering Facts

The main reason for litter cigarette butts. Sometimes there might be a lack of funds to get rid of the smoking area nearby, but in most cases , the irresponsible behavior of people is the issue of waste disposal littering Facts.

Litter Bugs are in Season

Littering Facts

Litter bugs are those annoying people who carelessly leave litter or waste in the streets. Litter makes their own parks , beaches , roads and sidewalks , dirty and expensive to clean up. . Litter bugs can create dangerous situations for animals and humans as well .

Reflections Jeddah
Precious time wisdom transmitted through years of experience in life and loving every minute .

    Words of Wisdom littering Facts
    Live a life
    Delicious in the abdomen
    How to do things
    Parents to love
    Manners matter
    Book Reviews
    30 Days of Gratitude
    Useful tips on everything

← Complete the following sentence
Brain fog →
Hygiene bugs are in season
Published June 6 , 2012 by bigsmileu1
Litter bugs are those annoying people who carelessly leave litter or waste in the streets. Litter makes their own parks , beaches , roads and sidewalks , dirty and expensive to clean up. . Litter bugs can create dangerous littering Facts situations for animals and humans as well .

According to Keep America Beautiful , garbage cleanup costs Americans approximately $ 11.5 billion per year. Municipalities, businesses , schools and taxpayers foot the bill for garbage. In addition , it is not only garbage littering Facts in the street causing a loved one clean . These are the implications of the rubbish in the drains clog, and the cause of flooding and toxic pollution in the water supply and hazardous materials on the roads.
Animals exposed to the risk of human chaos . I have found plastic bags that come from the grocery store on their way in a very littering Facts unusual places . As mentioned neutral institution greenhouse "There are about 46,000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of ocean. Plastic bags cause over 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animal deaths every year when animals eat bread. " . These animals can not swallow or stumble in most items people leave trash in the environment, " said Melissa Kilgore in Chintimini Wildlife Rehabilitation Center ." They can also absorb toxic substances such as motor oil and pesticides, which often pour into the storm drains and end up in our waterways littering Facts . "

Reflections Jeddah
Precious time wisdom transmitted through years of experience in life and loving every minute .

    Words of Wisdom
    Live a life
    Delicious in the abdomen
    How to do things
    Parents to love
    Manners matter
    Book Reviews
    30 Days of Gratitude
    Useful tips on everything

← Complete the following sentence
Brain fog →
Hygiene bugs are in season
Published June 6 , 2012 by bigsmileu1
Litter bugs are those annoying people who carelessly leave litter or waste in the streets. Litter makes their own parks , beaches , roads and sidewalks , dirty and expensive to clean up. . Litter bugs can create dangerous situations for animals and humans as well .

According to Keep America Beautiful , garbage cleanup costs Americans approximately $ 11.5 billion per year. Municipalities, businesses littering Facts , schools and taxpayers foot the bill for garbage. In addition , it is not only garbage in the street causing a loved one clean . These are the implications of the rubbish in the drains clog, and the cause of flooding and toxic pollution in the water supply and hazardous materials on the roads.
Animals exposed to the risk of human chaos . I have found plastic bags that come from the grocery store on their way in a very unusual littering Facts places littering Facts . As mentioned neutral institution greenhouse "There are littering Facts about 46,000 pieces of plastic in every square mile of ocean. Plastic bags cause over 100,000 sea turtles and other marine animal deaths every year when animals eat bread. " . These animals can not swallow or get stuck in most of the items people leave trash in the environment, " said Melissa Kilgore in Chintimini Wildlife Rehabilitation Center ." They can also absorb toxic littering Facts substances such as motor oil and pesticides, which often pour into the storm drains and end up in our waterways . "

So what do we do to get rid of the bugs garbage littering Facts?

    Do not become one yourself! Take a litter in the trash.
    Maintain a trash bag in your car to keep all the packaging and cups that McDonald . You can always emptying the bag at a gas station .
    Limit your consumption of plastic littering Facts bags from the grocery and department stores and home improvement stores . Investment in bags reusable .
    Disposal of chemicals , paints and engine oil safely. Call your local waste disposal company or city hall and find out where to get rid of these products littering Facts.
    Be a good role model ! Show others how littering Facts to get rid of their waste . Teach young people to keep their surroundings clean.
    Volunteered to pick up trash in your neighborhood . Every little bit helps to keep our neighborhoods safe and stylish .